1. Kamisama Dolls - Reviews - MyAnimeList.net
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Read reviews on the anime Kamisama Dolls on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. When Kyouhei moves to Tokyo, he thinks he's left his old life behind. But when he discovers a bloody corpse, he also discovers that the past isn't easily left behind, especially when the past is as unusual as Kyouhei's. You see, back in his home town, Kyouhei was a "seki," an individual able to control "kakashi," ancient wooden "gods" capable of incredible feats, with his mind. Now there's a kakashi l...
2. Kamisama Dolls Review (Anime) - Rice Digital
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So many anime struggle to give an interesting synopsis, and there’s several anime I’ve skipped solely because they sounded dull, but the small bit of information describing Kamisama Dolls sounded truly intriguing. The first episode was great and thrust me immediately into a world of supernatural mystery and action, and slowed down for the […]
3. 12 Days of Anime #4: Kamisama, Dolls for all ages | Bokutachi no BLOG
Dec 24, 2011 · It's no secret that the budget for Kamisama Dolls wasn't very big but the stuff that they pull off with what little they had was awesome.
Kamisama Dolls was my favorite show of the year, allow me to elloborate why and blab on about its awesomeness.
4. Anime Review: [First Impression] Kamisama Dolls - 1-4 - Tumblr
This anime follows a cast of characters who are all connected by robotic gods called kakashi, controlled through the will of their seki.
In which we are introduced to the story, our main characters, and a robotic twin-tailed god (who is not in any shape or form related to Hatsune Miku). ---- Kamisama Dolls is an anime that I initial…
5. Blood-C – 11 Review | Otakuness Anime Reviews - WordPress.com
Sep 23, 2011 · ← Season 4 of Natsume Yuujinchou announced! Kamisama Dolls – 12 Review →. Blood-C – 11 Review. Sep 23. Posted by M0rg0th. We noticed, you know ...
We noticed, you know, taking ten episodes to do this isn’t really the definition of “speed”… Reviews by M0rg0th and Saranaufogus M0rg0th: Saya doesn’t feel too good be…
6. Kamisama Dolls – 05 | Traveler on Revenge
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Wow. That’s brutal. Kamisama Dolls continues its awesome solid streak of episodes. Its properly paced, knows when to use suspense, down scenes, and action in one episode which so far almost a…
7. Kamisama Dolls Episode 10 – Mad about You - antiotaku
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Remember how I said in last episode’s review that I didn’t want Mahiru to play the usual obsessive childhood friend role, and that I’d be really disappointed if she didn’t h…
8. Kukuri - Kamisama Dolls Wiki - Fandom
This is first observed in episode 5, when Kukiri is severely damaged. During ... by the change of song that Kukuri sings. As with all dolls, Kukuri is ...
Kukuri is one of the dolls that belongs to the village. Currently it's Seki is Utao, but before the storyline, it used to belong to Kyohei. It has black arrow like patterns over its body, and a central green eye in the middle of its head. It has two long arms extending from ear-like protrusions on its head. These two arms have two fingers that can fold out, and have secret compartments concealed inside them. One arm has a short knife, used for battle. When Utao wishes, the end of the arm will sp
9. Kamisama Dolls | TVmaze
Show Guide for Kamisama Dolls. Includes an episode list, cast and character ... He is told by his younger sister, Utao with her Kamisama Doll, that Aki ...
After moving away to Tokyo from his old town to get away from the events that happened, is on a goukon with his friends, including his old neighbor, Shiba. After drinking for a whole night, he and Shiba discover a dead, bloody body in the elevator. He is told by his younger sister, Utao with her Kamisama Doll, that Aki, an old friend, and his Doll are the culprits responsible.
10. Kamisama Dolls – 04 | Traveler on Revenge
Jul 27, 2011 · ... an awesome character. Well I guess Utao does deliver the occassional moe. Plot-wise, this episode even puts more depth and interesting-ness to…
Kuuko’s awesome I think Kamisama dolls suffer from “Side characters are a lot more interesting” syndrome. Aki’s already fucking epic but now we have Kuuko, who’s almos…